"RETRIEVER - 2018"
22 April 2018, Moscow, judge Filip Johnsson, Sweden - adult labradors, judge Bertil Lundgren, Sweden - veterans
Labrador Retrievers, Males, Intermedia class
Exel.1, 3d place in comparison for Best Male - Vey Talie Palermo (Night Single Great Genus Winners + Easter Bunny Black@Chocolate), own. Filippova S.E.

Exel. 3 - Sun-Laurie Blowing in the Wind (Lembas Sweeney Tod + Mikonti You Are My Princess), own. Gurjiy T.

Exel. 4 - Karol Rut Legacy of Blood (Guideline`s Trade Gothic + Karol Rut Goodnight Moon), own. Juravleva E.D.

Labrador Retrievers, Males, Open class
Exel.1, 6th place in comparison for Best Male - Labry Berry Vincent Bosse (Labry Berry Yunitus + Labry Berry Rosamunda), own. Prosvirina A.

Exel. 2 - Erast Leon Kass (Ustas Lucky Moran + Isabella Little Girl), own. Balashova E.N.

Exel. 3 - Yustas Whiskey Mac (Lab'SPb USA Edition + Valeri Novars Yulanta), own. Nungeser V.V.

Exel. 4 - Jerminal Misty Shine Up (Rocheby Step Ahead + Jerminal Misty Charming Chance), own. Ratkh R.
Labrador Retrievers, Males, Working class
Exel.1, 4th place in Comparison for Best Male - Tillinhale Marco Rokko (Marial Persona No Compliments + Lab'SPb Sailor Moon), own. Jarova A.
Exel. 2 - Timantti Solid Show Must Go On (Guideline`s Trade Gothic + Sudeo Skylark), own. Matuha M.S.
Exel. 3 - Tjotte's the Purplelizer (Labry Berry Name of Winner + Tjotte's Hot Sexy'n Single), own. Ulgushevy M. @ E.

Labrador Retrievers, Males, Winner class
Exel.1, 5th place in Comparison for Best Male - Mallorn's Flinstone (Mallorn's Mr.Vain + Mallorn's Cherry Blossom), own. Kaplenkova E.A.

Exel. 2 - Labry Berry Time to Collect Stones (Labry Berry Ussu N'Dor + Labry Berry Time France), own. Nikeshina E.V.

Exel. 3 - Fili Templar Yasak (Fili Templar Le Burger + Sorry I'm First), own. Dashuk E.

Exel. 4 - Sweety Land Brighton Beach (Inamorato Barklay Cikkolato + Strong Style Adele The One), own. Noskov P.
Labrador Retrievers, Males, Champions
Exel.1, Res.Best Male - Nordnix Yearl Stark Flower (Delightfull Veyron + Oflory Orange Fox Belissimo), own. Puhlikov M.S.
Exel. 2 - Vogerland Show Richard (Real Person Hallmark + Kvit Ounli's Nimfa), own. Dron D.
Exel. 3 - Tsvet Solntsa Arktur (Lab'SPb USA Edition + Best From Nos West Eva Little Princess), own. Andreeva A.U.
Отлично 4 СС - Rottwail Hat Cheesecake (Alonso Z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury + Rottwail Hat Merlin Monro), own. Gordon I.
Exel.1, Best Male, Club Winner - Capas Spirit Hesitation Tango (Foxrush Raffles + Capas Spirit Expectation), own. Tolmacheva O.

Exel. 2- Inamorato Tete-A-Tete (Gilbron Pride Olaf Baltic Rock + Miliy Droug Arina), own. Aleshkina O.

Exel. 3 - Nicol Poli Don't Try Any Tricks (Guideline`s Trade Gothic + Nicol Poli Margo), own. Potovina T.V.

Exel. 4 - Strong Stael Harley Devidson Manly (Show Me the Way DJ Mister Chocolate + Strong Style Shellie Sweet Orange), own. Ulgusheva E.

Labrador Retrievers, Males, Veteran class
Exel. 1, Best Male Veteran - Jerminal Misty Indian Summer (Guideline`s Trade Gothic + Rolly Sweet Kiss),own. Bashenova M.N.
Exel. 2 - Vey Talie Imperial Gold Coin (Linjor Wish Master + Isn't She Lovely), own. Posorova O.A.
Exel. 3 - Capas Spirit Immodest Proposal (Quick Silver Gorska Fantazja + Ingrid Foxy Tail), own. Mironov A.