"Retriever - 2019"
21 April 2019, judge Vidar Grundetjern, Norway
Chesapeake Bay Retriever Male Junior
Exel.1, Best Junior Male, Best Junior - Valhaus Absolute Champion (Whizar West Key Kelecsky Poklad + Renessance Avrora Winner For Valhaus), own. Ulanovich I.
Chesapeake Bay Retriever Males Champion class
Exel.1, Best Male, Best of Breed - Zolotaya Zvezda Tavridy Clod (Whizar West Key Kelecsky Poklad + Djenny Zolotaya Zvezda Tavridy), own. Gornova I.B.
Curlycoated Retrievers Males Junior class
Exel.1, Best Junior Male, Best Junior - Beaufort Bond James Curly Wings of Angels (Amsel Bonny Dux + Anahita Curly Wings of Angels), own. Goryachkina D.N.
Curlycoated Retriever Bitches Open class
Exel.1, Best Bitch, Best of Breed - All Roads Lead To Golichtly (Zonnenkoning V.Elegast + Laguna Love Audrey Hepburn), own. Filonenko G.A.
Nova Scotia Retrievers Males Puppy class
Very promising 1, Best Puppy Male, Best Puppy of Breed - Lorevy Cliff (Manitou's Time To Shine + Lorevy Vivien), own. Sidorenko O.
Nova Scotia Retrievers Males Junior class
Exel.1, Best Junior Male - Emerald Vom Augsburger Land (Redburn Ultimate Ferriman + Next Generation Angel One Dancing With Fire), own. Jarehina L., Pechke N.
Nova Scotia Retrievers, Males, Open class
Exel.1, Res.Best Male - Fire Shadow Guy Uliy Cezar (Kalmegess Canadian Ranger + Lorevy Endless Love Story), own. Severina I.

Exel. 2 - Lorevy Talisman For Victory (Manitou's Time To Shine + Lorevy Debora), own. Pirogova N.V.
Nova Scotia Retrievers Males Champion class
Exel.1, Best Male, Best of Breed - Lorevy Beryll Sir Archibald (Manitou's Time To Shine + Littleriver's Luba For Lorevy), own. Ermilin A.
Nova Scotia Retriever Bitches Baby class
Very promising 1, Best Baby Bitch, Best Baby - New Hope Vadera's Team (Grand Red Fox Capella Vis Comica + Angel of Victory), own. Jarehina L.
Very promising 2 - Lorevy Lilu (Manitou's Time To Shine + Lorevy Victoria), own. Evdokimova E.M.
Very promising 3 - Lorevy Malvina (Pikkinokka At Canis Amicus + Lorevy Ustinia), own. Svetikov V.
Nova Scotia Retrievers Bitches Junior class
Exel.1, Best Junior Bitch Best Junior - Lorevy Jar Ptitsa (Kitimat Pistachio + Lorevy Conty), own. Ivanova A.B.
Exel. 2 - Fire Shadow Vivaldy (Redburn Ultimate Ferryman + Fire Shadow Gloria Day), own. Fedorinova N.
Nova Scotia Retirever Bitches Open class
Exel.1, Res.Best Bitch - Fire Shadow Gloria Day (Kalmegess Canadian Ranger + Lorevy Endless Love Story), own. Fedorinova N.
Nova Scotia Retriever, Bitches, Champion class
Exel.1, Best Bitch - Fire Shadow Spring Melody (Alliance de la Vie Rubra Canis + Christy), own. Zasukhina A.
Comparison For Best Bitch - Fire Shadow Spring Melody and Fire Shadow Gloria Day
Exel. 2- Lorevy Yaseniya (Next Generation Peakperformance Dancing With Fire + Lorevy Zafira), own.Chernavskih E.
Competition of Kennels
kennel "Lorevy", own. Ivanova A. - 1st place

kennel "Fire Shadow", own. Jarehina L. - 2nd place
Best Nova Scotia Retriever of the show - Lorevy Beryll Sir Archibald
The photo of the participants of the Show (nova scotia retrievers)