"Retriever - 2022"
10 April 2022, judge Silvana Vuckovic, Serbia
Flatcoated Retrievers, Males, Puppy classVery promising, Best Male Puppy - Retline Tobasko (Almanza Simply Starstruck + Bersifior Villarosa), own. Hrapova N.V.

Retline Tabasko + Cazador de Patos Zahar
Very promising 2 - Cazador de Patos Zahar (Banana Split Malmesbury Optimus Canis + Erika Is Stolitsy Urala), own. Lebedev I.

Flatcoated Retrievers, Males, Junior class
Exel.1, Best Junior Male - Royal Brown the Night Watch (Almanza Matchless Masterpiece + Be My Heartbeat At Reverie Stream), own. Lisina A., Besrukova O.

Exel.2 - Almanza Limitness Lifestyle (Almanza Leyton O'Grady + Almanza Ain't No Saint), own. Altuhova A.A.

Flatcoated Retrievers, Male, Intermedia class
Exel.1, Best Male 5 - Niborilab Upgrade Hate Jamp (Lusso Angelo Principe + Gold Beauty Afrodita Princessa Sibiri), own. Petrova V.A.

Flatcoated Retrievers, Males, Open class
Exel.1, Best Male 4 - Veron Velvet Drive Me Crazy (Almanza Always In Action + Veron Velvet Grace My Passion), own. Sukhorukova E.

Flatcoated Retrievers, Males, Working class
Exel.1, Best Male 3 - Banana Split Malmesbury Optimus Canis (Almanza Northern Firework + Camwood Copper Milk And Coffee), own. Lyan A.U.

Banana Split Malmesbury Optimus Canis and Malet Park Free Spirit
Exel. 2 - Malet Park Free Spirit (Caci's Ain't I'm Flawless + Caci's Miss Universe), own. Chepurniy P.U.

Flatcoated Retrievers, Males, Champion class
Exel.1, Best Male - Retline Polygon (Evalayz Joffrey + Bersifior Villarosa), own. Hrapova N.V.

Exel. 2 - Cazador de Patos Guska Stepan (Banana Split Malmesbury Optimus Canis + Erika Is Stolitsy Urala), own. Lebedeva E.B.

Exel.3 - Evalayz Joffrey (Starworkers Rock My World + Heilurihanen Happy Heart), own. Sukhorukova E.

Flatcoated Retrievers, Males, National Champion class
Exel.1, Res.Best Male - Retline Pentagon (Evalayz Joffrey + Bersifior Villarosa), own. Petruhina V.V.

Flatcoated Retrievers, Males, Veteran class
Exel.1, Best Male Veteran, Best Veteran, Best of Breed - Bersifior Believe in Miracle (Almanza Quite The Thing + Almanza Enough For Me), own. Kutischeva U.S.

Flatcoated Retrievers, Bitches, Puppy class
Very promising 1, Best Puppy Bitch, Best Puppy - Bonum Factum Diana Welsh Princess (Cazador De Patos Guska Stepan + Bonum Factum Vasiliska For Cazador), own. Kostina P.F.

Very promising 2 - Retline Tortuga (Almanza Simply Starstruck + Bersifior Villarosa), own. Hrapova N.V.

Very promising 3 - Retline Tanzania (Almanza Simply Starstruck + Bersifior Villarosa), own. Petruhina V.V.

Very promising 4 - Deus Venator Vatamin for Happiness (Almanza Langdon O'Grady + Veron Velvet Glam Princess), own. Semyonova N.I.

Flatcoated Retrievers, Bitches, Junior class
Exel.1, Best Bitch Junior, Best Junior - Almanza Show Me Your Skills (Calzeat Causin Chaos + Almanza No Luck Just Skill), own. Stregeleva P.

Exel.2 - Veron Velvet Jamaica Sun (Almanza Quantum of Solace + Veron Velvet Grace My Passion), own. Kucherenk U.P.

Exel. 3 - Veron Velvet July Sunset (Almanza Quantum of Solace + Veron Velvet Grace My Passion), own. Kucherenko U., Shevchenko O.

Exel. 4 - Niborylab Best in a Million (Banana Split Malmesbury Optimus Canis + Gold Afrodita Princessa Sibiri), own. Hosenko U.A.

Flatcoated Retrievers, Bitches, Intermedia class
Exel.1, Best Bitch 3 - Believe Inside Alkhemy (Retline Pentagon + Stenveyz Repiete Oneself), own. Petrukhina V.V.

Exel.2 - Niborilab Akuna Matata (Lusso Angel Principe + Gold Beauty Afrodita Princessa Sibiri), own. Vasilieva N.

Exel.3 - Bubbel's As We Expected (Altaflats Bubble Trouble + Jubilance Yellow Submarine), own. Romanko O.

Flatcoated Retrievers, Bitches, Open class
Exel.1, Res.Best Bitch - Veron Velvet Dancehall Queen (Almanza Always In Action + Veron Velvet My Passion), own. Kucherenko U.P.

Exel. 2 - Almazna Perfect Symmetry (Hannemors Perfect Match + Almanza Her Majesty the Queen), own. Romanko O.

Exel. 3 - Osenniy Blues Etuale Sen Kler (Whizzbang's Billibi + Bersifior Ayna Waytaa For Blues), own. Nebalueva O.G.

Exel. 4 - Retline Parallel (Evalayz Joffrey + Bersifior Villarosa), own. Akulova M.A.

Flatcoated Retrievers, Bitches, Working class
Exel.1, Best Bitch 5 - Retline Prime (Evalayz Joffrey + Bersifior Villarosa), own. Klimenko O.

Exel. 2 - Flo De Bliss Miracle Melody (Wonder Valley Orfey + Bersifior Vallefiorita), own. Semenova N.I.

Exel. 3 - Cazador De Patos Grocella An Chocolate (Banana Split Malmesbury Optimus Canis + Erika Iz Stolitsy Urala), own. Lisina A.

Flatcoated Retrievers, Bitches, Champion class
Exel.1, Best Bitch 4 - Bersifior Dolcettina Caramella (Almanza Burberry Goodiebag + Bersifior Bacio Di Buona Fortuna), own. Smirnova K., Altukhova A.

Bersifior Dolcettina Caramella and Bersifior Dummy Joya

Exel. 2 - Bersifior Dummy Joya (Almanza Burberry Goodiebag + Bersifior Bacio Di Buona Fortuna), own. Altukhova A.A.

Flatcoated Retrievers, Bitches, National Champion class
Exel.1, Best Bitch - Osenniy Blues Estel Mon Cher Michel (Whizzbang's Billibi + Bersifior Ayna Whytaa For Blues), own. Nebalueva O.G.

Flatcoated Retrievers, Bitches, Veteran class
Exel.1, Best Veteran Bitch - Bersifior Ayna Whytaa For Blues (Starworkers Rock My World + Almanza Enough For Me), own. Kudryashova I.A.

Competition of the couples:
1. Almanza Limitless Lifestyle and Bersifior Jiokonda Nostra, own. Altukhova A.
Competitin of the kennels:
1. "Bersifior", own. Belikova S.
2. "Retline", own. Hrapova N.
Kennels "Bersifior" and "Retline'
Competition of the Stud Dogs:
1. Banana Spirit Malmesbury Optimus Canis, own. Lyan A.
Competition "Dynasty"
1. Evalayz Joffrey - Retline Polygon - Retline Sonata
Competition for the Best Male
Competition for the Best Male: Best Male-3 Banana Split Malmesbury Optimus Canis and Best Male-4 Veron Velvet Drive Me Crazy
Competition for the Best Bitch
Competition for the Best Veteran: Bersifior Believe in Miracle and Bersifior Ayna Whytaa For Blues
Competition for the Best of Breed