"RETRIEVER- 20223"
During the show "RETRIEVER - 2023" people could see beautiful dances
Gelya Zyryanova and golden retriever Lirika Leta Flash Royal (Mars)
Irina Klimova and golden retriever Eva (Kaliningrad school of the dance "Bravo")
The Group "Avrora stars" (Sidorova Julia and golden retriever Sela, Yastrebova Tatiana and golden retriever Dunya, Makarova Daria and golden retriever Maya + sultan Oleg)
Gelya Zyryanova and golden retriever Ladiolly Ukiona

Budkina Ekaterina and flatcoated retriever Gold Fairytale Izumrud (Sirius)
Olga Mironova and labrador retriever Memefestor’s JB Secret Service
Natalia Rubleva and nova scotia retriever Lorevy New Winner
Natasha's birthday was at day of the RRC show, so her friends presented her the flowers, it was very pleasing.
Julia Pashkova and her guide-dog Mira