Ring 1, judge E.Baujes (Russia)
Labrador Retriever, Choc.Males, Junior class
ex.1, Young Club Winner, Best Choc. Junior - Nightingale From Angel Line (Farnfield Chingachguk + Shushanika Star), own. Kalinina M.

ex.2 - My Masquet Tobakko Jazz (Hugo Boss + My Masquet Crenberry), own. Malinovski P.

ex. 3 - My Masquet Tory Dixyland (Hugo Boss + My Masquet Crenberry), own. Prusskaya E.
ex. 4 - Nice Chingachguk's Son (Farnfield Chingachguk + Shushanika Star), own. Mashin V.
Labrador Retriever, Choc. Bitches, Junior class
ex. 1, Young Club Winner, Best Choc.Junior Bitch - Unita Nice Brown (Tjotte's New Years King At Magnifico + Yanie Vesta Lady Folk), own. Baquero-Fernandes U.

ex. 2- Strong Style Baccara Happy End (Willows Tin Tin + Strong Style Paola Caffee), own. Nikishina

ex. 3 - Hrisantema is Shokoladnoy Skazki (Macho Gorska Fantazja + Malvina is Shokoladnoy Skazki), own. Anikina E.
ex. 4 - Chisetta Eleonora Digby (Macho Gorska Fantazja + My Masquet Casablanca), own. Maximenko V.
Labrador Retriever, Choc. Males, Intermedia class
ex.1, Res.Best Choc. Male - Rom And Cola From Magnificos Kingdom (Tjotte's New Years King At Magnifico + Greta Garbo From Magnificos Kingdom), own. Marova S.

ex. 2 - Ens Lumens Ziggie Sunshine Reggy (Stenveyz Chocolad Korkunov + Ens Lumens Zelfa Blackberry), own. Egorova T.

ex. 3 - Vigor Hard Great Star (Macho Gorska Fantazja + Holly Choc Blues), own. Suhorukova N.
Labrador Retriever, Choc. Males, Open class
ex.1, Best Choc. Male, Club Winner, Best Choc. Labrador - Bridgecorner's Excalibur (Palabras Keep On Movin + Tsarodej Irish Mist), own. Tuchnin V.

ex. 2 - Trinity Joy Muscat (Son of a Gun of Franco's Valley + Tim Still Ulissa), own. Nikitina M.

Labrador Retriever, Choc Males, Working class
ex. 1 - Farnfield Chingachguk (Wilden Beauty's Paco Rabanne + Farnfield Tiramisu), own. Yazikova O.

ex. 2 - Nicol Poly Veles (Follies Imperial Eagle + Stenveyz Huckleberry), own. Breskina N.

Labrador Retriever, Choc. Males, Champion class
ex. 1 - Hammer Hardy Boy (Voody Alen + Bright Star Rus Paula), own. Turina S.

Labrador Retriever, Choc.Males, National Champion Club class
ex. 1 - Brightlight of Moscow Dancing Shadow (Bubbling Churchill + Brightlight of Moscow Garland Galaxy),own. Mustapaa H.

Labrador Retriever, Choc. Bitches, Intermedia class
ex.1, Res.Best Choc. Bitch - Arwen La Magnifique De L'Etang Balancet (Sudeo Paris + Miodyca Romane), own.Klimova O., Polevaya L.

ex. 2 - Strong Style Sweet Orange (Tealway All At Bubbling + Strong Style Jisel Sweet Teddy), own. Ulgusheva E.

ex.3 - Asasel Ela Ruven Dolce (Flanders Pride Cabbana + Asasel Ela Ruven Nagel), own. Koroleva O.
ex. 4 - Shelby Pretty Girl (Flanders Pride Cabbana + Hora Prima Veta), own. Zolnova I.
Labrador Retriever, Choc. Bitches, Open class
ex.1 - Nubira Fata Morgana (Stars Maryland Danfy Son + Ens Lumens Unika Estel), own. Pisarenko A.

Labrador Retriever, Choc. Bitches, Working class
ex. 1 - Prekrasnaya Nimfa is Shocoladnoy Skazki (Macho Gorska Fantazja + Cherry is Shocoladnoy Skazki), own. Rezchikova V.

Labrador Retriever, Choc. Bitches, Winner class
ex. 1 - Evlampia Best (Tjotte's New Years King At Magnifico + Ens Lumens Usti Fea), own. Potehina E.

ex. 2 - Roxy Rock From Magnificos Kingdom (Tjotte's New Years King At Magnifico + Greta Garbo From Magnificos Kingdom), own. Nikolaev V.

ex. 3 - Tebalda Barby Dan (Stenveyz Tochka Ru + Shushanika Star), own. Vedernikova A.
Labrador Retriever, Choc.Bitches, Champion class
ex. 1, Best Choc.Bitch, Club Winner - Ens Lumens Arna Brown Shugar (Tjotte's New Years King At Magnifico + Ens Lumens Frida Lady Dark), own. Ustinova E.

ex. 2- Goodquite's Glow of Sunrise (Bubbling Picasso + Goodquite's Nice), own. Vinogradov A.

Labrador Retriever, Choc. Bitches, National Club Champions class
ex. 1 - Shushanika Star (Voody Alen + Floran Sher), own. Kolosova I.

ex. 2 - Strong Style Sweet Teddy (Son of a Gun of Franco's Valley + Strong Style Barby Sunny Wind), own. Ulgushev M.