26-27.11.2005 in Moscow took place Russian Retriever
Club Show "RETRIEVER - AUTUMN 2005".
To the show have been registered 350 retrievers
(golden retriever, chesapeake bay retriever, flatcoated retriever,
curlycoated retriever, labrador retriever).
The judge was mrs. CAROLE COODE (UK, kennel "Warringah")
Mrs.Carole Coode
PHOTOS FROM SHOW (author Tatiana Gass):
1. Chesapeake bay retriever, Flatcoated
retrievers, Curlycoated retrievers
3. Golden retrievers, males
4. Golden retrievers,
5. Labrador retrievers, males
6. Labrador retrievers, bitches

BOB: Jerar is Perovskogo Doma and BIS: Exotic
Land Zolly
- At last I am able to get round to doing the report that I promised.
- Firstly let me say that I was looked after most royally, with
the restaurants I ate in and the sights that I saw gave me a wonderful
flavour of Russia. I could not have been taken care of better
– thank you.
- Now to answer some of your questions.
- How long have I been Breeding Labradors, first litter was in
1975, 30 years ago, but I was showing from 1967.
- Why Labradors, My husband gave me a Labrador as a first wedding
anniversary present, so it’s all his fault!!!!!
- How Many dogs in my Kennel, a total of 9 adults from 15 months
to 10 years and four pups 3-4 months old. We breed all colours
at the moment we have 2 Chocolate, 4 yellow and 7 blacks. We have
a maximum of 2 litters a year.
- What qualities in Labradors do I prefer most of all? Correct
confirmation, good temperament, biddable and gentle.
- My impression of the Retriever breeds that I judged, although
only a few the Flatcoats, Chesepeakes and Curlies, were of the
correct type that is seen elsewhere in Europe.
- I found the Golden Retrievers more to type than the Labradors,
keeping within the size limits,and the colours that I am used
to seeing & judging. Confirmation was on the whole more correct.
- I found great contrast in the male and female Labradors, the
dogs were on the whole very large, way over the desired height,
I have made up the tallest and biggest Labrador in Britain, but
your boys would have made him look medium height. The girls were
more typely but I would have liked a little more size on them.
There should be very little difference between the two sexes in
size. What did upset me was that I only found 4 well made fronts
in all the Labradors. Nearly all suffered from very short and
straight upper arm. They had the good length of neck, and well
laid shoulder, but the upper arm from the chest to the elbow was
short and straight, in all instances this effects the front movement,
either turning the feet in “paddling” or letting them flap out.
This is not just a cosmetic thing, dogs (especially working retrievers)
are put together in a certain way to enable them to work efficiently,
your dogs with incorrect fronts would be carrying all the weight
of the bird or rabbit through its mouth, tiring it out very quickly.
Whereas a well made dog carries the weight of the game through
a series of levers, putting the load over the whole front end.
- You had really good coats and some excellent tails, real “otter”.
Temperments were not bad at all, it would help if groups of friends
or kennels got together sometimes to have a socialisation day,
meet up in some of your parks, it would help the dogs and you
could all help each other with your showing.
- I do not really understand the need for “Handlers” we all show
our own dogs and get great pleasure from it. One or two of the
“Handlers” were extremely good, but some of the young ladies could
do with a few lessons themselves. I hate to see handlers treading
on dogs feet to move them – very bad, it is a sloppy way of handling.
- If it is at all possible, try and use dogs and bitches with
good fronts. If you put a poor front to a poor front, you will
only get the same in the litter, and will “set” it in your line.
The dogs I had in my senior positions all had merit, you are doing
a good job seeing you are still “New” to the Showing game compared
to other countries, perhaps one or two imports (or imported semen)
are needed to cut down the size of the males, and to put correct
fronts on the Labradors.
- Now about main winners. Chesapeakes only had the one, a bitch
Caroway's Chess Queen of Russia, but correctly made with a very
good Chessie coat, correct texture and length, and well constructed
- Flatcoats only fronted two, my Best of Breed was Radost is
Istri Good News, a black male, had the correct racey lines, very
pleasing head and good confirmation.
- In Curly Coats my Best Male and Best of Breed was from the Champion
Class Caballus Ursus, he had an excellnt balanced outline, head
was correct, neat ears, good neck and forehand, good depth through
the chest and strong topline - and correct coat, a worthy ambassador
of the breed.
- Golden Retrievers came up with a good entry and I was pleased
with the animals that were shown under me, my Best of Breed and
Best Male came from the Champion Class Jerar is Perovskoho Doma,
very balanced dog with good outline and balance, pleasing head,
good forehand, strong topline and well angulated rear quarters,
moved soundly on good legs and feet, in excellent coat. My Best
bitch was also from the Champion Class Exotic Land Zolly, a very
pleasing lady, with excellent head and expression, very good forehand,
and well turned stifles, just prefered the topline of the dog.
- Labradors came up with a huge entry. Best Junior Male winner
was Yumir Tender Lad, pleasing yellow, beaten for Best Junior
by the black bitch Elina Lucy Locket. Open Class males was won
by Stenveyz Get Popular a pleasing chocolate dog who also to Reserve
Best Male in Breed . My Champion Class in males was won by Goodquite's
Let Me Know, a beautifully headed black, with kind and gentle
expression, and a well balanced body. He took Best Male in Breed
and Russian Retriever Club Winner.& Reserve Best of Breed. Veteran
Male was taken by the good yellow Stretlaw West is Best, short
cobby dog with good headpiece., he went Best Veteran in Breed.
Veteran Bitch was won by Cherniy Chocolas Estephania , black bitch
with all the essentials. Junior Bitch was won by Elina Lucy Lokket
, a black of good type who also beat the boy to be Best Junior
in Breed. Winners class was won by the good black bitch Vremia
Mechti Afrodita, beautiful headed bitch with excellent balanced
outline, clean lines all through. The Champion Class came up with
my Best Bitch, Russian Retriever Club Winner and Best of Breed,
in Vinedup Barberry Arabica Aravia, a yellow with the kindest
of heads and expressions, good neck and forehand, excellent ribs,
strong topline and good rear end great coat and super tail.

BOB: Windup Barberry Arabica Aravia