Best Golden Retriever RIERA DOMENICA
18-19 April 2015 in Moscow took place Russian Retriever Club
Show "RETRIEVER - 2015 ". To the show have been registered 400 retrievers
(golden retriever, nova scotia retrievers, flatcoated retriever, labrador retriever).

The judges were mr. Siv Sando (Norway,kennel Eyecatching) and mr. Borge Espeland (Norway, kennel Zenana).

Mr.Borge Espeland

Mrs. Siv Sando
Photos from Show by Tatiana Gass and Natalia Kononenko
1. Prizes at Show
2. Freestyle
3. Therapy dogs
4. Faces - 1st day
5. Faces - 2nd day
6. Nova scotia retriever, flatcoated retrievers
7. Golden retrievers, babies, puppies and juniors
8. Golden retrievers, males
9. Golden retrievers, bitches
10. Golden retrievers, competitions
11. Labrador retrievers, babies, puppies and juniors
12. Labrador retrievers, males
13. Labrador retrievers, bitches
14. Labrador retrievers, competitions
15. Champion's parade

Best Labrador Retriever: NICOL POLI DON'T TRY ANY TRICKS

Best Flatcoated retriever: WONDER VALLEY ORFEY