22 October 2011, judge Shamil Abrakhimov, Russia
Golden Retriever, Males, Baby class
Exel.1, Best Baby Male, Best Baby - Ziger is Doliny Solntsa (Kovesh Trevor + Allegra Moe Sokrovische), own. Kitaev D.

Exel.2 - Orny Bayron Sunrise ot Goldenleya-Club (Riera Bayron Bay + Skandy Sunrise Midow Sweet), own. Ievlev D.
Exel. 3 - Goldenirbis Cult of Luna (Solstrimmans Dream Contact + Solstrimmans Twace as Nice), own. Nasibullin O.
Exel. 4 - Puella Oris Wild Storm (Tramin Magellan + Nordenland Adora), own. Scherbina O.

Golden Retriever, Males, Puppy class
Exel.1, Best Male Puppy - Maybah Moe Sokrovische (Avanturin Moe Sokrovische + Gloria Best), own. Kurchenkova E.

Exel. 2 - Slav Trophy Udjin Prince (Cantrygold Celestin Avreliy + Slav Trophy Roseberry), own. Krisova L.

Exel. 3 - Eyr Jordan (Kovesh Tom Soyere + Diana Zolotaya), own. Prokhonkina T.
Exel. 4 - Znak Kachestva ot Gvendolin (Riera Anry Ravissant + Duna Kloverlife of Gvendolin), own. Gurova A.

Golden Retriever, Males, Juniors
Exel.1, Best Junior Male, Young Club Winner, Best Junior - Majik Captain Kirk (Inassicas Coriander + Majik Fashion Victim), own. Doronina O.

Exel. 2 - Torrido La Fler (Romeo De Ria Vela + Luna White Stars), own. Muranova A.

Exel. 3 - Valiant Dominio Romano (Dikaya Staya Guy Ritche + Uli Kriss), own. Kusnetsova O.

Exel. 4 - Urban Wise Hunter (Dewmist Silver Dust + Unita Moya Krasavitsa), own. Orlova N.

Golden Retriever, Bitches, Baby class
Exel.1, Best Baby Bitch, Best Baby - Riera Domenika (Ashbury Conan Doyle + Mon Soley Larush Fairy), own. Petrov L.

Exel. 2 - Beauty Family Ikonika Sharm (Ritzilin Match Point + Lad Unity Luxury Beautiful), own. Zinevitch E.

Exel. 3 - Amansy Sunshine Reggy (Riera Anry Ravissant + Kanrit Daly Chianty Amansi), own. Barkova T.

Exel. 4 - Puella Oris Violanta (Tramin Magellan + Nordenland Adora), own. Nosdracheva T.

Comparison for Best Baby: Riera Domenica and Ziger is Doliny Solntsa
Golden Retriever, Bitches, Puppy class
Exel.1, Best Puppy Bitch, Best Baby - Skandy Sunrise Fantastika (Solstrimmans Dream Contact + Skandy Sunrise Mozarella), own. Lubushkina U.

Exel. 2 - Majentis Moe Sokrovische (Avanturin Moe Sokrovische + Gloria Best), own. Knyazeva E.

Exel. 3 - Goldenirbis Isabella (Solstrimmans Sir Dancealot + Tramin Tintalle L'Etoile Du Soir), own. Pahomova

Exel. 4 - Marselina is Sokolinogo Gnesda (D.J. For Piter Evidog + Udacha Blesk Pitera is Sokolinogo Gnesda), own. Shligina Y.

Golden Retriever, Bitches, Juniors
Exel.1, Best Yunior Bitch, Young Club Winner - Riera Santa Severina (Sheamus of the Morning Valley + Riera Amberly Takara), own. Cheburey E.

Best Junior Bitch Riera Santa Severina and Best Junior Male, Best Junior Magic Captain Kirk
Exel.2 - Lady Love ot Goldenleya-Club (Riera Anry Ravissant + Skandy Sunrise May Day), own. Kandidova U.

Exel. 3 - Blaze Rising of the Sun (Dior Des Jardins D'Epona + Ariadna Boty de Respect), own. Belobrovski G.

Exel. 4 - Nicol Poli Radiant Energy (Sansue Stradivari + Nicol Poli Alexandra), own. Smirnova M.
