18 November 2012, judge Lyudmila Krakovskaya, Russia
Labrador Retrievers, Males, Baby class
Very promising 1, Best Baby Male, Best Baby - Laetus Zevs (Radiant Star Barbados + Laetus Briosh), own. Morosova A.

Very promising 2 - Nicol Poli Volvo Winner (Klungerhaugen's Quick Witted + Nicol Poli Petie Diable), own. Alpatov A.

Very promising 3 - Leenora Best Juar Carte (Lolik Kociokwik Gold Park + Tapeatom Damask Rose), own. Sazikov T.

Very promising 4 - Rus Uklas Yerlen Confident (Ruskeli`s Joy to the World + Nordic Star Whire), own. Polpudnikov S.

Labrador Retrievers, Males, Puppy class
Very promising 1, Best Puppy Male - Fair Play Bella Mare FCI (Queijerio Da Vinci + Boulder Creek's Beautiful Sea), own. Kurianova G.

Very promising 2 - Shon Merry Wind Шон (Guideline`s Trade Gothic + Kassandra Lily Sunrise), own. Jbanov A.

Very promising 3 - Rus Uklas Erlih Playful (Farnfield Chingachguk + Hanisacl Lovely), own. Sogonyan S.

Very promising 4 - Ampir Fashion Style (Devil Lucky Bone + Holly), own. Proskurin A.

Labrador Retrievers, Males, Junior class
Exel.1, Best Yunior Male, Young Club Winner, Best Junior - Vey Talie Chaysing Ducks (Lab SPb Violet Dream + Vey Talie Yalika Magic Style), own. Lebedev N.

Exel. 2 - Reyson Family Child (Ridge View Touchdown + Sunrise In Flover Garden), own. Kirianov A.

Exel. 3 - Chocolate Pantheon Sheny Hunter (Stenveyz Get Popular + Ens Lumens Lora East's Legend), own. Ivanov K.
Exel. 4 - Gisoly Veny Vidi Vicci (Rocheby Military Twostep + Gisoly Zita Johns Triumph), own. Burova O.
Labrador Retrievers, Bitches, Baby class
Very promising 1, Best Baby Bitch - Nicol Poli Bayaderka (Devonshire's London Edition + Nicol Poli Sea Sand), own. Potovina T.

Very promising 2 - Labry Berry Degry of Elegance (Sweeten Dancer for Money + Real Person Signature), own. Grashina U.

Very promising 3 - Lautes Zayana (Radiant Star Barbados + Laetus Briosh), own. Berskalns U.

Very promising 4 - Germinal Misty Malaysia (Rossmix Remus + Labry Berry Bring Me Medal), own. Jelbakova E.
Labrador Retrievers, Bitches, Puppy class
Very promising 1, Best Puppy Bitch, Best Puppy - Leenora Best Evropa Plus (Tapeatom Cavaliero + Ray of Hope), own. Efimova I.

Very promising 2 - Candy Doll Amanda Silky Sparkless (Rimrock Herbu Zadora Brown Oak + Candy Doll Iris Dolce Vita), own. Olenin F.

Very promising 3 - Arabella See Star (Guideline`s Trade Gothic + Prosperos Tayna Mona Prima), own. Grusdev M.
Very promising 4 - Radiant Star Unona Lovely Pearl (Cover My Eyes And Colour You Like + Olaris Numba Umba), own. Krylova E.
Labrador Retrievers, Bitches, Junior class
Exel.1, Best Junior Bitch, Young Club Winner - Labry Berry Venecia (Stenveyz Led Zeppelin + Labry Berry Flame Up), own. Vedernikova I.

Comparison for Best Junior: Vey Talie Chasing Ducks and Labry Berry Venezia
Exel. 2 - Jerminal Misty Gently Woman (Musical`s Cradle Will Rock + Winnie`s Under My Spell), own. Fedoryako S.

Exel.3 - Helen's Miracle Shapey (Sudeo Chevalier of Ramsayville + Jammel Monifique Fler D'Orange), own. Protsko E.
Exel. 4 - Andromeda Geba Harita (Ruskeli`s Joy to the World + Unessa Betty Rose), own. Sergeeva O.