22 April 2012, judge Ekaterina Senashenko, Russia
Labrador Retrievers, Males, Baby class
Exel.1, Best Baby Male - Nicol Poli With Tea (Nicol Poli Van Lexus + Nicol Poli Li-Li), own. Fedorova K.

Exel. 2 - Fly Night Eagle (My Brand Incorporated + Holla Baya Chocolade), own. Kostikov M.

Exel.3 - Felix Steele Heart (My Brand Incorporated + Holla Baya Chocolade), own. Evdokimov U.

Labrador Retrievers, Males, Puppy class
Exel.1, Best Puppy Male - Ustinian Charming Bear (Charming Bear Amur + Juliet Blacky Queen), own. Tsepko A.

Exel. 2 - King Sensation of Win (Taliar Shikary Valentine Day + Darsy is Serebristoy Gavani), own. Bakhaeva K.

Exel. 3 - Chily Pool Set (Tapeatom Goodwill + Jerky Cheshir Smile), own. Ivanov A.
Exel. 4 - Ul Brinner (Charming Bear Amur + Juliet Blacky Queen), own. Tsepko A.
Labrador Retrievers, Males, Junior class
Exel.1, Young Club Winner, Best Junior Male - Labry Berry Ayvengo (Tiger Paws Herbu Zadora + Labry Berry Marseliesa), own. Kobsev O.

Exel. 2 - Rus Uklas Kent County (Hunting Friend Elixir of Success + Hunisucl Lovely), own. Yancharek A.

Exel.3 - Memfestor's Vicont Burje (Stenveyz Limpopo + Evropa Lady Vanil), own. Pokrovski V.

Exel.4 - Charming Bear Tsesario (Rocheby Golden Rod + Timantti Solid Hillary), own. Tsepko A.
Labrador Retrievers, Bitches, Baby class
Exel.1, Best Baby Bitch, Best Baby - Inamorato Maria Nera (Mallorn's Ring My Bell + Inamorato Vanina Vaniny), own. Dmitrieva E.

Exel. 2 - Nicol Poli Cherish The Dream (Nicol Poli Sweet Tart Lollipop + Nicol Poli Di-Dle), own. Potovina T.

Exel. 3 - Gold Crown Enamina Enigma (Stenveyz Get Popular + Sharlotta Brown Super Star), own. Ermakova I.
Exel. 4 - Andromeda Geba Harita (Ruskeli's Joy to the World + Unessa Betty Rose), own. Sergeeva O.

Labrador Retrievers, Bitches, Puppy class
Exel.1, Best Puppy Bitch, Best Puppy - Labry Berry Josefa Mary Rose (Stenveyz Limpopo + Labry Berry Rosalinda), own. Levkina T.

Exel. 2- Helen's Miracle Always The Best (Sudeo Chevalier of Ramsayville + Jammel Monifique Fler D'Orange), own. Lusina E.

Exel. 3 - Jerminal Misty Gentle Woman (Musical's Cradle Will Rock + Winnie's Under My Spell), own. Fedoryako S.

Exel. 4 - Inamorato Evangelina Samper Ante (Hunting Friend Elixir of Success + Dom Bretani Edit Piaf For Inamorato), own. Dmitrieva E.

Labrador Retrievers, Bitches, Junior class
Exel.1, Best Junior Bitch, Young Club Winner, Best Junior - Delayna Amorous History (Loyalheart Boll of Fire + Slav Trophy Flash Dance), own. Nefedov D.

Comparison for Best Junior: Delayna Amorous History and Labry Berry Ayvengo
Exel.2. - Black Spice You Will See (Mardas Roman Republic + Crossington Vanilla Spice at Mardas), own. Timoshenko N.

Exel.3 - Karol Rut Alberica (Tweedledum Good Vibrations + Evlampia Best), own. Potekhina E.

Exel.4 - Helen's Miracle Tropical Hit (Sudeo Royal Piper + Irma Silver Star), own. Semkina O.
