16 November 2013, judge Tatyana Dreyer, Russia
Golden Retrievers, Males, Baby class Кобели Бэби
Very promising 1 Best Male Baby, Best Baby - Ashbury Indiana Jones (Jako's Mystic Touch + Ashbury French Cancan), own. Rozjkova N., Saurabh C.

Very promising 2 - Owshen of Happiness is Doliny Solntsa (Lexus Grey Earl + Yaroslava Sunny Red), own. Stregaleva G.
Very promising 3 - Oliver Energy Level is Doliny Solntsa (Lexus Grey Earl + Yaroslava Sunny Red), own. Stregaleva G.

Very promising 4 - Amansy Gift of Destiny (Majik Captain Kirk + Amansy Scarlett Flower), own. Schelchkov A.

Golden Retrievers, Males, Puppy class
Very promising 1, Best Male Puppy - Orchidamus Elisey (Dewmist Kinzenze + Lexus Jardin Suprimo Gold to Orchidamus), own. Gordeeva A.

Very promising 2 - Lirika Leta Tselogo Mira Malo (Aragon is Doliny Solntsa + Lirika Leta Tsvetnays Mechta), own. Pavlova N.

Very promising 3 - Skandy Sunrise Gefest (Zampanzar Hemingway Daiquiri + Skandy Sunrise Mozzarella), own. Semochkina A.

Very promising 4 - Orchidamus Yermolay (Dewmist Kinzenze + Lexus Jardin Suprimo Gold to Orchidamus), own. Stepanova A.

Golden Retrievers, Males, Junior class
Exel.1, Young Club Winner, Best Junior Male, Best Junior, Best of Breed - Rus Pekos Sem Samo Sovershenstvo (Bungee Jumping of the Famous Family + Shamrock Vivienne Westwood), own. Gavshina A.

Exel.2 - Mon Solei Lanfranco (D.J. For Piter Evidog + Mon Solei Gloriolla), own. Skuridina K.

Exel. 3 - Ziggy Marly Trek is Doliny Solntsa (Aragon is Doliny Solntsa + Chara Cheritte is Doliny Solntsa), own. Ptashinskaya O.

Exel. 4 - Amore Veritas Adonis (Thevenet Pep's Team + Barselona of Priority and Majesty), own. Trefilov A.

Golden Retrievers, Bitches, Baby class
Very promising 1, Best Baby Bitch - Puello Oris Joly Briyans (Cornel Krocus Allwinn + Goldenirbis Isabella), own. Ostanina K.

Comparison for Best Baby: Ashbury Indiana Jones and Puello Oris Joly Brijans
Very promising 2 - New Sunny Viorika (Karvin Pure Gold + Noris Allur Harisma), own. Filatova D.

Very promising 3 - Malet Park Apple Pie (Alibren Bound for Glory + Velvet Charm Silver Silhoutte), own. Miziurkina E.
Very promising 4 - Puello Oris Jozy La Jua Enfiny (Cornel Krocus Allwinn + Goldenirbis Isabella), own. Kvintantova E.

Golden Retievers, Bitches, Puppy class
Very promising 1, Best Puppy Bitch, Best Puppy - Virago Rocket is Stolitzy Urala (Zampanzar Hemingway Daiquiri + Ballerina of the Famous Family), own. Rozjkova N.

Comparison for Best Puppy: Virago Rocket is Stolitsy Urala and Orchidamus Elisey
Very promising 2 - Chercez La Famme Oligarchia (Ashbury Angel Hear + Your Majesty Oligarchia), own. Rozjkova N., Nikishina S.

Very promising 3 - Riera Harisma of Leader (Ashbury Angel Hear + Mon Solei Larush Fairy), own. Sorokina D.

Very promising 4 - Jako's Stand By Your Side (Jako's Nordic Charm + Jako's Hope For the Future), own. Baranova N., Osokina T.

Golden Retrievers, Bitches, Junior class
Exel.1, Young Club Winner, Best Junior Bitch - Puello Oris Dorotheya (Aragon is Doliny Solntsa +Nordenland Adelaida), own. Kvitantova E.

Comparison for Best Junior: Rus Pekos Sem Samo Sovershenstvo and Puello Oris Dorotheya
Exel. 2 - Beatris Porta Vittoriya (Pandoro de Ria Vela + Slav Trophy Ladybird), own. Lezjepekova M.

Exel. 3 - Amansy Vestalika (Zampanzar Hemingway Daiquiri + Kanrit Daly Chianty Amansi), own. Barkova T.

Exel. 4 - Ladiolly Hloya (Dewmist Kinzenze + Yasmina Majik Moonlight), own. Stukalina M.
