16 November 2013, judge BARBARA KRUMPAK, Slovenia
Nova Scotia Retriever
Males, Baby class
Very promising 1, Best Male Baby, Best Baby - Fire Shadow Trenton (Dragonflame's Carnival of Light + Christy), own. Jarehina L.

Nova Scotia, Males, Intermedia class
Exel.1, Best Male - Lorevy Exotic Rock-n-Roll (Loreby Arshavin + Christy), own. Suslina S.

Nova Scotia, Bitches, Intermedia class
Exel.1, Best Bitch, Best of Breed - Lorevy Endless Love Story (Lorevy Arshavin + Christy), own. Zasuhina A.

Comparison for BOB, tollers

All tollers - participants of "Retriever - autumn 2013"

Chesapeake bay retriever, Males, Champion class
Exel.1, Best Male - Nash Lubimets Kaiser Bumble Be (Kaiser Angels of Baranya + Batzi's Wisna), own. Reschikova N.

Chesapeake Bay retrievers, Bitches, Veterans
Exel.1, Best Bitch Veteran, Best Veteran, Best of Breed - Caroway`s Chess Queen of Russia (FC AFC Distagon + Carroway`s Don`t Sass Me), own. Jukovski P.

Curlycoated retrievers, Males, Baby class
Very promising 1, Best Male Baby, Best Baby - Paradigma Bravo Vicont (Duck's Hunter Craft + Guardangel Ellada), own. Schepina M.

Curlycoated Retrievers, Males, Junior class
Exel.1, Best Junior Male, Best Junior, Best of Breed - Morkehall Dante (Kelsmere Kosmopolitan + Anholmens Tequila), own. Kochnev A.

Curlycoated Retrievers, Males, Open class
Exel.1, Best Male - Guardangel Drakkar (Duck's Hunter Lordbjorn + Beselfolk Andromeda), own. Belyaev A.

Comparison for BOB, curly coated retrievers