26 April 2014, judge Sergei Telyatnikov, Russia
Golden Retrievers, Males, Baby class
Very Promising 1, Best Male Baby - Ashlie is Sokolinogo Gnesda (Terra Antyda Sani New Prince of Heart + Chereyemuha is Sokolinogo Gnesda), own. Rutz A.

Very Promising 2 - Fortuna Shahriyara Alfabio Forceti (Alaz de la Luz + Fortuna Shahriyara Koketka Sue), own. Mineeva I.

Golden Retrievers, Males, Puppy class
Very Promising 1, Best Male Puppy - Mon Solei Noelio (Woodrays Sandigo For Mon Solei + Mon Solei Galactica), own. Siltchenko E.

Very Promising 2 - Cantrygold Graf Gagarin (D.J. For Piter Evidog + Cantrygold Kralia Pryazhechka), own. Evstafieva V.

Very Promising 2 - Don Juan (Ashbury Glen Coe + Brilliant Future Long Life), own. Ershova A.

Very Promising 4 - Sharmel Gold Dilman (Ashbury French Lover + Sharmel), own. Bochkov P.

Golden Retrievers, Males, Junior class
Exel.1, Best Junior Male, Young Club Winner - Anri de Sar (Leymary Lancelot + Francheska Martina de Sol), own. Ivanova A.

Exel.2 - Volente Deo Placky Boy (Ashbury Highlander + Arianna is Doliny Solntsa), own. Moshkovskaya E.

Volente Deo Placky Boy and Diamantes De Ludgo
Exel.3 - Diamantes De Ludgo (Pandoro de Ria Vela + Chiquita de Ria Vela), own. Pimonova A.

Exel. 4 - Gerold Fuerte Cabaliero (Pandoro de Ria Vela + Chiquita de Ria Vela), own. Hotuleva N.
Golden Retrievers, Bitches, Baby class
Very Promising 1, Best Bitch Baby, Best Baby - Rafaella Bravia is Doliny Solntsa (Avanturin Moe Sokrovische + Zadorinkia is Doliny Solntsa), own. Vasiliev I.

Comparison for Best Baby: Rafaella Bravia is Doliny Solntsa and Ashlie is Sokolinogo Gnesda
Very Promising 2 - Skandy Sunrise Zaslava (Floprym Idol Erik + Skandy Sunrise Sorrento), own. Gribanova I.

Very Promising 2 - Voshititelniy Dar Nicol (Olimpic Star + Karamelka), own. Belova A.

Very Promising 4 - Adrenaline Rush Pepsy Co ot Lady Uli (Floprym Idol Erik + Nani), own. Lyubushkina U. Н

Golden Retrievers, Bitches, Puppy class
Very Promising 1, Best Puppy Bitch, Best Puppy - Leymary Jenevieva (Alibren Bound for Glory + Cantrygold Cintia Optima), own. Leytes M.

Comparison for Best Puppy: Leymary Jenevieva and Mon Solei Noelio
Very Promising 2 - Chevis Smile Laurelia (Rossmix No Secrets + Lad Unity Victoriana Charm), own. Eremina E.

Very Promising 3 - Orabel Joy of My Heart is Doliny Solntsa (Lexus Grey Earl + Yaroslava Sunny Red), own. Korneeva N.

Very Promising 4 - Chevis Smile Liberty (Rossmix No Secrets + Lad Unity Victoriana Charm), own. Ginsburg N.

Golden Retrievers, Bitches, Junior class
Exel.1, Best Junior Bitch, Young Club Winner, Best Junior - Riera Holy Hop (Ashbury Angel Hear + Mon Solei Larush Fairy), own. Perepelova E.

Comparison for Best Junior Bitch: Riera Holy Hop and Chercez La Famme Oligarchia
Exel. 2 - Chercez La Famme Oligarchia (Ashbury Angel Hear + Your Majesty Oligarchia), own. Rozjkova N., Nikishina S.

Exel.3 - Lirika Leta Tsarskaya Dotch (Aragon is Doliny Solntsa + Lirika Leta Tsvetnaya Mechta), own. Pukas A.

Exel. 4 - Gabriella My Flaffy Bunny With Me Forever (Zampanzar All For Me + Ustina Jaliz), own. Smirnova A.