"RETRIEVER - 2016" (16-17 April 2016)
Also during the Show have been congratulated the best breeders of our Club: Elena Perepelova (Riera kennel, golden retrievers), Valeria Ivanukova (Dolina Solntsa kennel, golden retrievers) and Tatiana Potovina (Nicol Poli kennel, labrador retrievers).

"Dolina Solntsa" and "Riera" kennels

Lera Ivanukova and Lena Perepelova

Tatiana Potovina
During the Show all new Russian Champions and International Champions have been congratulated by Club committee

New International Champion - Amansy Snow Storm

New International Champion Riera Certero Salvador

New International Champion Puello Oris Galaxy Star

New International Champion Beulahland's Take My Heart Hotti Totti

New Russian Champion Hotti Totti Derby Original Copy
Also we have congratulated the moderators of web-forum of Russian Retriever Club. Thank them for their help and support!

Moderators of RRC phorum