23 April 2017, judge Kirsi Niemien, Finland
Золотистый ретривер Кобели Бэби
V.promising, Best Male Baby - Goldenrush Every Body Loves Me (B.B.King Oligarchia + Rock Star is Stolitsy Urala), own. Odnoral A.

Very promising 2 - Chevis Smile Bernardino (Dutch Consolidation Daily Express + Chevis Smile Laurencia), own. Viborov E.

Comparison for Best Baby Male: Goldenrush Every Body Loves Me and Chevis Smile Bernardino
Golden Retrievers, Males, Puppy class
Very promising 1, Best Puppy Male - Yangus is Stolitsy Urala (Putjade Painted Apache + Riera Amore Mia Dolina Solntsa), own. Potapova A.

Very promising 2 - Larse Line Angel Wings (Jako's Together Keep Love + Ladiolly Ukiona), own. Soloviev S.

Very promising 3 - Vestafjell's PrimeTime For Istra (VerstafjellВґs Imagine My Daddy + VestafjellВґs Once Upon A Time), own. Barausova L.V.

Very promising 4 - Right Hunter Cherokkie (Non Stop Pink Floyd + Right Hunter Moon Light), own. Nagih A.S.

Golden Retrievers, Males, Junior class
Exel. 1, Young Club Winner, Best Junior Male - Riera Jan Juck (Linirgor Pied Piper At Meiepere + Riera Buena Vista), own. Perepelovi E. and E.

Comparison for Best Male Junior: Riera Jan Jak and Golden Shine Siberia Glintwine for Jalis
Exel. 2- Golden Shine Siberia Glintwine for Jalis (Losung Absolute Legend Fern Flover + Golden Shine Siberia Asia), own. Smirnova A.

Exel. 3 - Bonett Bride Join Happiness (Bonett Bride Energy Sourse + Cherry from Babelsbergi), own. Ivanukov S.

Exel. 4 - Digniori Aaron Super Star (Dewmist Kinzenze + Moondust Delmoss), own. Lubimova O., Nechaeva O.

Golden Retrievers, Bitches Babies
Very promising 1, Best Baby Bitch, Best Baby - Leymary Verona (JakoВґs Musthave + Leymary Jeneviev), own. Leytes M.I.

Very promising 2 - Angelonato Country Stars (Milbu Twister to Nenuoramos + Skandy Sunrise Gekata For Angelonato), own. Borisevich N.

Very promising 3 - Chevis Smile Brienna (Dutch Consolidation Daily Express + Chevis Smile Laurelia), own. Eremina E.

Very promising 4 - Puello Oris Run des Etuale (Puello Oris Key of My Heart + Puello Oris Jesaliana), own. Lockmachev A.

Golden Retrievers, Bitches, Puppy class
Very promising 1, Best Puppy Bitch, Best Puppy - Larose Line Amelia Renessans (Jako's Together Keep Love + Ladiolly Ukiona), own. Horlovskaya V.

Very promising 2 - Ayris Divniy Tsvetok (Renessans Richard Rich + Valery Voshodyaschaya Zvezda), own. Ezkova A.

Very promising 3 - Leia Cataleya Gold (Centre of My Life is Doliny Solntsa + Donna Samer Cataleya Gold), own. Shunchenkova M.

Golden Retrievers, Bitches, Junior class
Exel.,1, Young Club Winner, Best Junior Bitch, Best Junior - Afrodita of Lediuli (Golden Rose-Bay's Nordic Magical Mystery + Adrenaline Rush Pepsy Ko ot LediUli), own. Lubushkina U.

Comparison for Best Junior: Afrodita of Lediuli and Riera Jan Jack
Exel. 2 - Riera Just a Dream (Linirgor Pied Piper At Meiepere + Riera Buena Vista), own. Perepelova E.

Exel. 3 - Orientgold Fire Fox (Woodrays Sandigo For Mon Solei + Orientgold Zelda), own. Koroleva O.

Exel. 4 - Est Factum Melanie (Zampanzar Hemingway Daiquiri + Royal Tara de Ria Vela), own. Murtashkina G.

Very promising 2 - New Sunny Amontiliado (Daily Rays December Dream + Leymary Germiona), own. Yartsev D.

Very promising 3 - Right Hunter Guns'n'Roses (Herwildy's Michelangelo + Virago Rocket is Stolitsy Urala), own. Rozjkova N.
Very promising 4 - Lad Unity Song of My Soul (Herwildy's Michelangelo + Lad Unity Dancing Queen), own. Cheburakhina L.

Golden Retrievers, Males, Puppy class
Very promising 1, Best Puppy Male, Best Puppy - Puello Oris Pure Diamond (Putjade Painted Apache + Puello Oris Jakota Moonlight), own. Pakhomova E.

Very promising 2 - Leymary Stay With Me Moskva (Putjade Painted Apache + Leymary Jeneviev) own. Snegireva N.

Very promising 3 - Magic Madness Love Me Twice (Herwildy's Michelangelo + Shamrock She Is Diamond), own. Stoyanova E.

Very promising 4 - Big Bang Theory My Angel Tomi (Kassander of Bridge Four + Non Stop on the Move), own. Levina U.

Golden Retrievers, Males, Junior class
Exel. 1, Young Club Winner, Best Junior Male - New Sunny Cefey (Linirgor Pied Piper At Meiepere + Leymary Rudbekiya) own. Erohin A.V.


Exel. Р®.РЎРЎ - Evidog Versace (Daily Rays Dream Maker + Evidog Gladis), own. Rozjkova N.I.

Exel 3 Р®.РЎРЎ - Sharmel Gold Unis СЃ (Ashbury French Lover + Perro Milagroso Blick of the Sun), own. Sosnitski A.

Exel 4 Р®.РЎРЎ - Ladiolly Worcestershire (Alibren Bound for Glory + Yasmina Magic Moonlight), own. Akulinin V.E.

Golden Retrievers, Males, Veteran class
Exel 1, Best Male Veteran - Moondust Rockefeller (Erindery Lochlain + Moondust Emma), own. Cheburakhina L.N.

Golden Retrievers, Bitches, Veteran class
Exel. 1, Best Bitch Veteran, Best Veteran - Zlata Zagadochnaya Zvezda (Cinsano Charlie Chip ot Ksushi + Lunar Lily), own. Simushkina N.V.

Comparison for Best Veteran: Zlata Zagadochnaya Zvezda and Moondust Rockefeller
Exel. 2 - Opium Kiss (Slav Trophy Discovery of Secret + Ulrica Fortuna), own. Cheburey E.

Exel. 3 - Lad Unity Victoriana Sharm (Robin Hood of Glen Sheallag + Skandy Sunrise Visardy), own. Kosacheva M.

Exel 4 - Allegra Moe Sokrovische (Lexus Grey Easl + Anita), own. Ivanukov S.
Golden Retrievers, Bitches, Baby class
Very promising 1, Best Baby Bitch - Right Hunter Gravity of Love (Herwildy's Michelangelo + Virago Rocket is Stolitsy Urala), own. Rozjkova N.

Very promising 2 - Lad Unity Silver Bell (Herwildy's Michelangelo + Lad Unity Dancing Queen), own. Cheburakhina L.

Very promising 3 - Right Hunter Give Me the Moon (Herwildy's Michelangelo + Virago Rocket is Stolitsy Urala) own. Godrrid Z.

Very promising 4 - Chevis Smile Vayolete Primiera (Putjade Painted Apache + Chevis Smile Juliet Morana), own. Erakhtina N.B.

Golden Retrievers, Bitches, Puppy class
Very promising 1, Best Puppy Bitch - Family Happiness is Doliny Solntsa (Centre of My Life is Doliny Solntsa + Riera Amore Mia Dolina Solntsa), own. Ivanukov S., Shmeleva O.

Very promising 2 - Angelonato Within Temptation (Golden Rose-Bay's Nordic Magical Mystery + Skandy Sunrise Gekata for Angelonato), own. Borisevich N.

Very promising 3 - Irispride Kiss For New Sunny (Abinvale Traguardo + Irispride True Miracle), own. Elenskaya S.

Very promising 4 - Right Hunter Melissa (Aragon is Doliny Solntsa + Amansy Scarlett Flower), own. Eystrikh N.

Golden Retrievers, Bitches, Junior class
Exel. 1, Young Club Winner, Best Junior Bitch, Best Junior - Riera Genrietta (Zampanzar Sweet Second + Riera Domenica), own. Ovchinnikova N.

Comparison for Best Junior Bitch: Riera Genrietta and Beauty Family Hanna Lids

Comparison for Best Junior: Riera Genrietta and New Sunny Cefey
Exel. 2 - Beauty Family Hanna Lids (Zampanzar Hemingway Daiquiri + Beauty Family Ikonika Sharm), own. Malysheva U.

Exel. 3 - Puello Oris Morning Star (Zampanzar Hemingway Daiquiri + Puello Oris Dorotheya), own. Zabiyakina D.

Exel. 4 - Rock Star is Stolitsy Urala (Zampanzar Hemingway Daiquiri + Ballerina of the Famous Family), own. Kashlikova G., Belotelov A.
