20 April 2018, judge Sven Slettedal, Norway
Golden Retrievers, Males, Babies
Very promising 1, Best Male Baby - Stenly Vegas 1 (B.B.King Oligarchia + Hello Kitty Baby), own. Volkova V.V.

Very promising 2 - Stenly Velvet (B.B.King Oligarchia + Hello Kitty Baby), own. Makeeva I.U.

Very promisign 3 - Souvenir the Greatest Showman (Neverland Smile Full of Magic + Souvenir Amarillys), own. Rozjkova N.I.

Males babies
Golden Retirevers, Males, Puppy class
Very promising 1, Best Male Puppy - Entony (Yangus is Doliny Solntsa + Alis Blues Grammy), own. Reshetova A.A.

Very promising 2 - Riera Lancelot (Dutch Consolidation Spy VS Spy + Riera ZJ Queen), own. Sisolyatin A.N.

Very promising 3 - Zlatomir ot LadyUli (Jongler is Sokolinogo Gnesda + Adrenaline Rush Pepsy Ko ot LadyUli), own. Lyan A.U.

Golden Retrievers, Males, Junior class
Exel.1, Young Club Winner, Best Male Junior - Brio Is Doliny Solntsa (I'm Terra Antyda Elliot + Family Happiness is Doliny Solntsa), own. Romanenko E.
Exel. 2 - Illoriens Centre of Eternity (Goldleigh Macloud at Darhill + Cool Sound v.d. Beerse Hoeve), own. Sosnitski A.

Exel. 3 - Larose Line Shantony (Raynox Release Fantango + Ladiolly Ukiona), own. Mordvinova V.

Exel.4 - Norbert is Doliny Solntsa (Riera Jan Jak + Eyra is Doliny Solntsa), own. Prohorenko K.A.

Golden Retrievers, Bitches, Baby class
Very promising, Best Baby Bitch, Best Baby - Right Hunter Russian Rullet (Entertainer Oligarchia + Chercez La Famme Oligarchia), own. Stepantseva L.V.

Comparison for Best Baby: Right Hunter Russian Rullet + Stenly Vegas
Very promising 2 - Still de Linnet Visky (Diamant Blank is Doliny Solntsa + Honey La Roshel), own. Kolchina E.A., Kochetkova A.
Very promising 3 - Jalis First Lady (Jongler is Sokolinogo Gnesda + Gabriella My Flaffy Bunny With Me Forever), own. Baturina V.D.

Golden retrievers, Babies, Puppy class
Very promising 1, Best Puppy Bitch, Best Puppy - Kalita Di Trui Cesarina (FernFlower Great Getsby + Kalita Di Trui Asmit Fire), own. Menshova L.
Comparison for Best Puppy: Kalita di Trui Cesarina and Entony
Very promising 2 - GoldenRush Carnaval Night (Milbu Twister to Nenuoramos + Rock Star is Stolitsy Urala), own. Garichkina I.

Very promising 3 - Goodwin's Riddle Norasharm (Golden Rose-Bay's Nordic Magical Mystery + Reggy Sunshine For Me), own. Levkina D.

Very promising 4 - Est Factum Jote (Entertainer Oligarchia + Est Factum Mirabella Hunter), own. Vasilenko I.S.

Golden Retrievers, Bitches, Junior class
Exel.1, Best Junior Bitch, Young Club Winner, Best Junior - Vetrenitsa ot LadyUli (Del Valle De Pielagos Dreams Come True + Afrodita of LadyUli), own. Lubushkina U.K.
Comparison for Best Junior: Brio is Doliny Solntsa and Vetrenitsa ot LadyUli

Exel. 2 - Larose Line Sharliz (Raynox Release Fantango + Ladiolly Ukiona), own. Rudneva O.N.

Exel. 3 - Illorience Cetera Orientry (Goldleigh Macloud at Darhill + Cool Sound v.d. Beerse Hoeve), own. Malinovskaya E.V.

Exel. 4 - New Sunny Chelsy Flower Show (New Sunny Cefey + New Sunny Absolute Dream), own. Krilova V.M.
Golden Retrievers, Males, Veteran class
Exel.1, Best Male Veteran, Best Veteran of the Breed, Best Veteran of the Show - Voyage King of Love (Ralun Versace + Gladtail Power of Love), own. Borisevich N.

Exel. 2 - Maybah Moe Sokrovische (Avanturin Moe Sokrovische + Gloria Best), own. Kurchenkova E.A.

Exel.3 - Rossmix Calvados (Furyo Noroy Du Plessy + Rossmix Hung Up), own. Berkutova S.M.

Exel.4 - Kovesh Oscar (Gordon the Dream Team + Opium Kiss), own. Shmakova I.V.
Exel.5 - Countrygold Lasty Kine of Magic (Primrose's Dream Amazing Lad + Chesara Smile Girl), own. Mironova E.

Golden Retrievers, Bitches, Veteran class
Exel.1, Best Veteran Bitch - Lambrusko Emilia is Doliny Domeni (Kovesh Trevor + Le Monrashe is Doma Domeni), own. Gogonea O.M.

Comparison for Best Veteran: Voyage King of Love and Lambrusko Emilia is Doma Domeni

Exel. 2 - Riera Buena Vista (Ashbury Angel Hear + Strong Style Regina Playmate), own. Perepelova E.A.

Exel. 3 - Zvezda Albiona is Sokolinogo Gnesda (D.J. For Piter Evidog + Enessy is Stolitsy Urala), own. Agapova O.

Exel.4 - Yasmina Magic Moonlight (Strong Style Romario Premier Hit + Tsvetana Dolores), own. Bessonova O.A.
The eldest participant of the show "Retriever 2019" - Claricha Carly Back (Zvezda Severa Yarro Lucky Boy + Genrietta Emba Light), own. Marienkova I.V., d.b.11.12.2005

Participants from veteran class
Monica Soul Heard (GoldenOne Safe Return + Claricha Karly Back), own. Marienkova I.V.

Riera Santa Severina (Sheamus of the Morning Valley + Riera Amberly Takara), own. Cheburey E.
